Register Your Certificate of Compliance With Us CoC scan *Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesUpload the CoC and the attached test reportCertificate No. *This is the number at the top of the first pageStreet Address *Apartment, suite, etcCity *State/Province *ZIP / Postal Code *Registered Person *The name of the registered person in the declarationID No: *Requirement of *a) electrical installation regulation 9(2) (a) (new ellectrical installation)b) electrical installation regulation 9(2) (b) (existing installation)c) electrical installation regulation 9(2) (c) (new part to existing installation)Registered person registration number *This is the registration of the electricianDate of Registration *Type of registration *Electrical tester for single phase (ETSP)Installation Electrician (IE)Master Installation Electrician (MIE)Electrical contractor registration number *This is the registration of the company with the department of labourDate of RegistrationRecipientDate ReceivedName of person submittingWe would like to be able to contact you if we wish to audit the work done.Email Address *Phone number of person submittingWe would like to be able to contact you if we want to audit the work on the property.Submit CoCPlease do not fill in this field.